“Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you so much! It is a privilege to be here and receive this award. Thank you for all the love and support over the years everyone. It has indeed been overwhelming. I pray to God that I have the ability to keep you awesome people engaged, occupied and content with my stuff for a long time to come.
Today, even as I stand here and acknowledge all of you, I am reminded of the days when I decided to start the blog which has brought me to the venerated podium here. This very blog.
www.neilgiri.blogspot.com. Like every other enthusiastic media trainee around me back then, I too nurtured ambitions of a blog that would be widely visited and appreciated. And just like all of them, I too laid down certain rules and guidelines for me to follow. I still remember some of them :
· Keep it as short as possible.
· Avoid spreading more negativity and darkness.
· Remember that the world around could probably do with a little more wit and cheekiness.
· It could definitely do with some more humour. J
· But then, move beyond humour as well.
· Try and use images also. Not just words.
· Connect, collaborate, converge. J
· Update regularly.
Phew! So, something that would be smart and cheeky. (Wannabe) Matured but probably not dark. Downright thoughtful but randomly hilarious. About college life and also about the world beyond those semi-secure walls. A flair of Mumbai and a streak of Pune. A whiff of Ruia and a sniff of SIMC. A tinge of Santoor and a hint of DSRV. A lot of creativity and a bit of advertising along with a pint of the copywriter’s special. Not to mention a fruitful alliance with the creative designer. A lot of sensible nonsense for sure.
Well, that sounded like the perfect recipe for disaster. No way was it going to work! So ofcourse it worked. And worked very well at that.
Anyways, I have tried to stick to those rules as far as possible. And at the same time innovate. Over time, this list has evolved, changed and helped the blog bloom and triumph over my unending procrastination. Atleast that’s what I would like to believe.
And finaly, things must come to a full circle and so, I conclude on the same note that I began. I thank you. Family or friend. Acquaintance or stranger. For inspiring me. For visiting the blog. For reading this. For laughing at my jokes, however lame they may be. For having high expectations. For giving excellent suggestions. For cheering along whenever I do something good. For standing by my side when things are not so good. And for being there I thank you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
Now having offloaded that off my chest and completed the formalities, let the blogging begin! Let Neilgiri begin!!