Friday, December 17, 2010

The Prompt Thank You!

This post dedicated to Maadhyam 2011. The daddy of all media fests scheduled to take place towards the end of Jan! Which happens to be quite the rage on the worldwide web.!/Maadhyam.2011 is the Facebook page. You can start following, if you aren't already.

So why the sudden burst of public affection for Maadhyam?

Well, because the Maadhyam Facebook page has featured Neilgiri as the 'Blog of the Day'.

And I just re-realized that while other bloggers may have lots of followers, multimedia promotional strategies, continuous net access courtesy Blackberry and a very high readership, mere pass MAA-DHYAM hai!

As the school boy within me (with French as the 4th language) would have said : Cliched, mais vrais.

Thanks a tonne, Maadhyam!

1 comment:

  1. The Bard would guffaw at this sorry affair, had He some time.
    A waste, alas.
